Jaycee Lee Dugard

On this episode we talk about one of the most famous US kidnappings and the insanely complicated abduction story of Jaycee Lee Dugard. In the summer of 1991 Phillip Garrido, a convicted sex offender, and his wife Nancy snatched Jaycee Lee off the street outside her house in Lake Tahoe, California. She was kept incarcerated for 18 years and even had two children with her captor. In this episode we talk about the suffering she endured and the psychology of both victim and captor. We also try to discover why it went on for 18 years and also why nobody thought to ask more questions, and examine the testimony and TV appearances of Jaycee Lee after she was released.

Jaycee Lee Dugard
Kidnapped and held for 18 years by Phillip and Nancy Garrido, Jaycee Lee Dugard gave brith to two children in captivity and escaped her captor in 2009.


  1. She was awarded 20million dollaes from the state of CA. That means with proper monetary aid; she is fine financially as well as her kiddos! Great ending to a mean life story.


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