The Manhattan Project

TCG S09E01 On this episode, the first in Season 9, we get stuck into the vast and sprawling history of The Manhattan Project and the creation of the atomic bomb. The creation and utilisation of such an unbelievably powerful weapon, changed the dynamics of...


Michael Barrymore

On this episode we discuss one of the most...

Nora Koppel – The Hinterkaifek Murders

On this episode I interview Nora Koppel, daughter of...

Colin Geddis – General Banter – December 2021

On this episode I join Colin Geddis in his...


Deep Dive

The Manhattan Project

TCG S09E01 On this episode, the first in Season 9, we get stuck into the vast and sprawling history of The Manhattan Project and the creation of the atomic bomb. The creation and utilisation of such an unbelievably powerful weapon, changed the dynamics of power globally and the results are still being felt today. THE GENIUS AND THE GENERAL The Manhattan Project was a WWII initiative which brought together the most brilliant of minds to conceptualise and then develop a weapon formidable enough to compel the Axis powers to capitulate. Spearheaded by the now infamous J. Robert...


On this episode we talk about one of the most contentious and censoriously restricted topics on the internet; admittedly on an extremely dark subject with many many potentially litigiously vulnerable points but something that has been misinterpreted, covered up and in a real sense, the true factual details forgotten about online; this one is all about Pizzagate. From the Podesta email leak and Anthony Weiners laptop showing Hillary up to be a bold pup; to a popular internet generated rumour of a blood drinking death cult and a lad driving hundreds of miles to shoot...

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True crime

Michael Barrymore

On this episode we discuss one of the most famous and contentious true crime cases this century; the death of Stuart Lubbock. Now this case is still unsolved and in the UK and Ireland it was a huge deal and was covered incessantly by the news and tabloid media because of the association with celebrity tv personality and comedian Michael Barrymore. Lubbock died in the swimming pool of Barrymore's house after a drink and drug fuelled night out in the local nightclub but, as yet, the killer or killers havn't been brought to justice. The...

The Menendez Brothers

On this episode we discuss a harrowing case of abuse and revenge; two brothers who killed their parents in a brutal and meticulously premeditated manner were paraded across the mainstream media as cold hearted killers. During the televised case however, the extent of the sexual and psychological abuse they suffered was described in sickening detail and the motivations for their actions became that much more murkily motivated. This time we are talking about The Menendez Brothers. Raised in an affluent California family, Lyle and Erik Menendez were what some would call privileged; but their upbringing...



Colin Geddis – General Banter – December 2021

On this episode I join Colin Geddis in his General Banter Podcast HQ in Belfast as part of his 12 Pods of Christmas; where we talk about conspiracies, comedy, dicks, willies and cocks. We do get a small bit serious about a few things but there is craic and chat of the highest order. I really did have a great time with Colin and Niall in Belfast and the city is lovely; Ill defo be back for a live show in the near future. You can find Colin and all the...

Buckshot – Tom O’Mahony – December 2020

This is a lovely little SwapCast with Tom O'Mahony where we get deep about what success means; what it like to be a working entertainer; what the fuck is going on in the USA according to two low information Paddy Muck Savages 😀 and a load of great chats! Check out Tom's podcast called Buckshot where he does interviews with loads of celebrities, sports personalities, comedians, musicians and many more interesting folks! You can check out the podcast here on Tom's website or here and you can check...

The Conspiracy Farm 2020

On this episode I chat with Jeffrey Wilson and Pat Miletich from The Conspiracy Farm about corona and the most recent shenanigans; the election and the potential fraud perpetrated; and about conspiracy theory and how hard it is to keep the conspiracy interesting when real life is so f**kin weird right now! 🙂 _______________________ You can find Jeff and Pat at their website and on any and all podcast apps. All their episodes are on here as well as links to merch, videos, sponsor material and the content from 'That...


Nora Koppel – The Hinterkaifek Murders

On this episode I interview Nora Koppel, daughter of Hinterkaifek expert Adolf Koppel, all about the facts of the case as proven by the investigations of her father. Dolf wrote the book Lerchenstimme (The Lark's Song) and book in German about The Hinterkaifek Murders and he claims to have proof of what happened to the Gruber Family on those fateful days 100 years ago at Hinterkaifek. Dolf recreated weapons, made moulds of wounds and combed through the 100 year old evidence to bring this case back to life and try...

Room 104 – YouTube Censorship

This SwapCast with Cormac Moore from Dublin's FM104 is about the recent YouTube censorship of conspiracy theory and politically divisive creators. It's known as the VoxAdpocalypse and was apparently started by Vox 'journalist' Carlos Maza as he attacked Steven Crowder, accusing him of homophobic slurs and personal attacks. This started a tidal wave of deplatformings, demonetisations and other ideologically restrictive actions on the part of Youtube. So much so that anti trust proceedings may be in the pipeline. Enjoy this short SwapCast with Cormac and you can find him at...

Live Chats

Live Chat – Halloween 2022

Join me to have a bit of craic in the spooky season as part of the Vokl True Crime Festival online here on Vokl! <3  We will be chatting about most recent episodes and whatever you like on Halloween, scary stories, worst costume traumas and loads of other stuff! The link above should get you into the chat nice and handy and I hopefully will be streaming to all platforms so if you cant get Vokl working you'll be able to watch it somewhere! I will be discussing the new Menendez...

Live Chat – January 2022 – Propaganda

So for a lot of people there were problems with the stream last night. Its been a while since Ive been streaming and this was a fairly unique case where we had non-Patreon joining in as well; so I ran the stream through Vimeo. 🙁 What I couldn't understand was the amount of different problems people had while watching and interacting with the show! Both ticket holders and Patreon folk had such a wide and varied amount of problems 🙂 Link said 'unauthorised'; link worked but no video; stuck on TCG...

Live Chat – March 2021

Ill be starting very soon and we can talk about anything you like; I would like to maybe discuss the past couple of episodes like Joseph Kondro, Peter Stumpp and of course Bob Marley! As well as a load of current events and mad shit that's been going on since New Years! There is loads of catching up to do and there is even a bit of good news from me which Ill tell you all about tonight! This message is just to let you know its happening anyhow and...

Latest source articles

Monsanto Politics – The Roster

As we mentioned in our Monsanto episode, the scope of the biotech behemoth's influence doesn't stop at the purse strings of the farmers that they intimidate. Nor does it end with the public who are sometimes unwittingly ingesting their genetically modified products and weedkillers. It doesn't even end with the war chest available to them for dodgy but ostensibly legal...

Trump’s News World Order

And Now, The "Fake News" It's Day Fourteen out here in the post-inauguration wastelands. Although it might seem that everything is continuing more or less as normal - people go to work, come home, spend time with loved ones and shop 'til they drop, like they have done for decades - society is actually hanging by a thread. The whole...

Positive Christianity and Nazis

"Like a rising star you appeared before our wondering eyes, you performed miracles to clear our minds and, in a world of skepticism and desperation, gave us faith." - Joseph Goebbels on Adolf Hitler, 1922 Positive Christentum (Positive Christianity) Most people are familiar with the overt symbolism and the belief structures that are part of the modern Christian religion - crosses, salvation...

Where is Julian Assange?

Where is Julian Assange? Since the end of October and the deluge of leaks from Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta, people out in the conspiracy inter webs seem to be leaning toward believing that Julian Assange has been bumped off. He has appeared on reputable news sources like Russia Today and there have been statements made by his representatives...